This section is collecting past publication and future ideas and development Academic writing (6,000+ citations, h-factor: 32)

See Google Scholar profile



Paradoxes facing the Integrated Care Systems: SCALE (Tricordant, July 2021)

Simulation & Modelling

Healthcare Systems: Why Simulation Overcomes the Design Barriers (Impact 2021 (1): 32-34)

Climate change

Why can’t we just cut back and save the planet? (Jubilee Centre Blog, 18 October 2021)

Climate change: seeking a Christian perspective (Jubilee Centre Blog, 27 Sept 2021)

Climate Change, Science and Uncertainty (Jubilee Centre Blog, 23 Sept 2021)


Liberating the Lobster (CAT Magazine, June 2020)


Content is free: universities should stop producing it (Times Higher October 2021)

A new business model for the business school (EFMD Global Blog, October 2020)

An industry-style focus on teaching costs is vital to survive the pandemic (Times Higher, September 2020)

What Higher Education can learn from the healthcare reforms (Times Higher, January 2016)

“Datchet Consulting worked with us to co-create a set of new exciting multi-partner projects. They recruited new partners, supported the technical specification of the projects and helped identify potential funding opportunities.”


Datchet Consulting is working with Brunel University London in aviation-related research. Transport faces extreme pressures (e.g. carbon footprint) and amazing opportunities (e.g. hybrid power), so a sustainable research theme is highly attractive: one that aligns funding with industrial aspirations, especially if it embraces artificial intelligence, logistics, new materials, and smart energy.


Pandemic series (1-9 April 2020)

Christians in the crisis

God and the nations

Fear not!

The balance between trust and action (Hezekiah’s tunnel)

Blessings in disguise

Lockdown learning series (27 May – 4 June 2020)

Learning under lockdown: trying something new

Learning under lockdown: just listening

Learning under lockdown: fast and slow reading

Learning under lockdown: driven by curiosity

Learning under lockdown: Bible study in a socially distanced world

Series from 1 Peter (7-20 January 2021)

Calling and being called

Alert and sober

Suffering and glory

An upside down world 

Peter and baptism

Radical parables series (9 July – 6 August 2021)

Radical parables from Luke: 1. The minas

Radical parables from Luke: 2. The rich fool

Radical parables from Luke: 3. The good Samaritan

Radical parables from Luke: 4. The shrewd manager

Radical parables from Luke 5. The runaway son

Book reviews

Lockdown views of the psalms (14 April 2021)

In God’s company by Peter Lupson (28 April 2021)

Multicultural Kingdom by Harvey Kwiyani (13 May 2021)

JI Packer: his life and thought by Alister McGrath (28 May 2021)

Redeeming Capitalism by Kenneth J Barnes (26 August 2021)

Silverwing by Kenneth Steven (17 September 2021)

Strange Rites by Tara Isabella Burton (24 September 2021)

Through the Bible with Michael Green (1 October 2021)

Changing the Climate by Debbie, David and Jamie Hawker (8 October 2021)

God’s Calling Cards by Emily Owen (22 October 2021)

Up from the ashes by Dr A and Samara Levy (5 November 2021)

Celebrating Christmas - embracing joy through art and reflections (18 November 2021)

100 Best Christmas Poems for Children, by Roger McGough and Beatriz Castro (10 December 2021)

A Church of the People by John Dyer (5 January 2022)

Written for Faith - St John's Gospel: A true witness? by Ian Morris (14 January 2022)

The Gospel – what is it? by Alistair Hornal (4 February 2022)

Other Christian

Equipped to heal podcast.

Episode 3 - Series 3. Suffering, living with impairment and glory with Professor Terry Young.